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HomeEventsOne Lap of Marin

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One Lap of Marin

Date and Time

Saturday, May 6, 2023, 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM


Bon Air Shopping Center - West end near BofA
301 Bon Air Shopping Center
Greenbrae, CA  94049

Event Contact(s)

Bill DeGolia
925-683-6420 (p)




Registration Info

Registration is required

About this event

This 2-3 hour drive will depart from the Bon Air Shopping Center in Greenbrae, CA. Be sure to gas up before the event as there are limited opportunities for fuel. Please be careful to follow the directions so you don't get lost! We will stop in Tomales for a lunch break that will be on your own. There will be no houseboat after-party due to ongoing COVID-19 group gathering restrictions. Please mask-up and practice social distancing.

NOTE: You must be logged into your ARA member account to register - click on the login button on the upper right of the page.
You only need to register one person per car.